Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Found a Graveyard!!

Some friends and I wanted to go for a walk then find somewhere to eat. On the way we took what we guessed was a shortcut and it turned out to be a huge graveyard. It was really neat to see it cause its not like the graveyards I have seen at home. Well most of it anyway and its really not saying much since I haven't seen all the graveyards, but this one reminds me of what you would see in a witch movie or something scary. But it wasn't creepy or anything it was (as Becky put it) peaceful to walk through. It was really huge and we didn't go through all of it, but I took some pics of the different parts. Some parts are completely grown over the graves and some are taken care of (cut grass and so forth). Anyway here are some pics...
Oh yeah and the white little specks you are seeing is what I am sure you already know is snow! For the past several days is has done a little bit of snowing then would stop. Its like mother nature is just gearing up to dump it on us.

This is just Julia (Italy) and I after we found our way out of the graveyard. I think I have decided which language I want to learn next and now I have people that I can stay with now. I mean who doesn't want to see Italy?
Well as for me everything here is going well. I am just going to school (almost everyday anyway hee-hee). I have started to--well its not really teaching, but conducting an English speaking class. It's so the students can have someone to speak Russian with. I had my first two classes last Friday and it was actually a lot of fun. My first group are beginners so they struggle, but overall understand quite a bit. They want me to talk about shopping this coming Friday and I really don't know what to talk about. Anyway my next group are advanced speakers and they want to talk more on buisness and school related topics. This next week the advanced class wants me to explain to them the rules of football HA that'll be interesting. To me all I see are a bunch of padded men running into eachother every couple of minutes trying to get the ball to the other side. Oh and you know can anyone explain to me why the US is the only country in the WORLD that had to change the real name of football (aka soccer)? I just don't understand it. Anyway so thats going well.

Anyway, hope all is well with you and will chat later.

1 comment:

Miles and Bex said...

That graveyard looks awesome. I would have loved to walk around it. I love looking at the dates and the names on the grave. Sound like you are enjoying you time there. The kids can't wait to see you! I just got their Christmas dresses. I love them!