Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hey All

So just thought I would say hi to one and all...ok I'm in a weird mood. Anyway I am just hanging out waiting for the Office to come on--for those of you who don't appreciate the Office for it's hilariousness then I don't expect you to understand, but for those of us who do are way excited!!

Things are going pretty well. I don't have anything really to say and I wish I did, but I don't. Church today was really good and a really good testimony in a singles ward is pretty hard to come by. Anyway everyone's testimony was really great except for this one guy's who really shouldn't have gotten up. So he gets up there and it starts out pretty good then he started telling us about how he has been using the internet to find a wife--thats right thats what I said--looking for a wife. So he goes on to tell us that he has found one from Russia of all places and that we should try facebook to find someone to love--I am being serious!!! Someone should really tell him that most likely she's just looking for a green card--but hey I suppose he will find out soon enough. I could not believe he was actually saying these things anyway he finally sat down and then several others saved the meeting from loosing the spirit all together and bore their testimonies. I really like my ward--the members are really nice and welcoming. Anyway thats my funny story for today. Ciao!


Sadie said...

Your blog is really hard to read, I get dizzy. Put up more pics of NYC. Good luck on the job front!! Love you!

9 of Us said...

Sounds like you are doing well in the Big Apple! Take care!