Thursday, July 3, 2008

Working Away!

So I am proving to be pretty bad at this blog thing. Anyway not much as been happening with me I have just been doing tours and trying to make as much as possible. I am pretty excited cause on my last tour I made 13oo just in tips!! Of course everything is going towards school loans now, but hey what can you do. I thought I would post some pics to show where I've been in the last couple of weeks.

This one is taking the train from Skagway to Frasier BC

This one is my favorite place in BC--Emerald Lake--so pretty! The reflection isn't usually this good so we were pretty lucky to see it this way. Just as we were leaving the wind picked up and the reflection was gone.
Can you see the bear??? He was just sitting watching us--it was pretty funny cause his head was moving with each train car that past--he just kept moving his head back and forth. We were in the last car so thats him just watching us ride away.
This is outside of Skagway a ways! It's always so nice here in this area.
Yep--thats right we just went over that bridge and it feels just as rickidy as it looks. But its a great view. What a beautiful day we had.
Well my dear family and friends--thats what I've been doing. I wish I had something more exciting, but alas I don't. Sadie's Cailyn is getting pretty big and just as cute as ever. You can see pics on her blog. Well I guess thats it for now. I will try and keep this updated more. Later all!!


E-ca said...

Hey girl! Those are some great pics! They really make me want to visit Alaska!!! Maybe work up there next summer.. :) lol... I'm glad to hear things are going well. I will chat with you soon!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful pictures!! What a pretty lake! Looks like you are having a fun summer. What a fun job.

Miles and Bex said...

When are you coming back to see us!!!! We will definetly have to work on finding you a job in good old Soldotna. THink of the night life you could have. And plus you could be by us. That is way too fun I think.